Attack of the Anglepoise!

It's obvious now that I haven't done much "playing" on Technorati, because I was completely oblivious about some of what Technorati ranks as the most popular blogs out there. I had been using Technorati all along to scan for blogs on specific topics or keywords, but I hadn't ever taken time to leisurely browse the top 100 list. So, I suppose it's high time that I paruse (#1 on Technorati's list) to see what all the hubbub is about. An amusing blurb on BoingBoing mentions the recent release of a giant comedy Anglepoise lamp. The photo alone, at left, is priceless. Could this be the 2006 Christmas gift of choice for the relative who has everything?
In addition, as part of the discovery exercise, I've created a Technorati Tag for this post, although I haven't yet "claimed" this blog on Technorati. At least I know the tagging is easy to do.
Technorati Tag: PLCMCL2
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