Rollyo and "relativity"

I'm sure, if set up properly, that Rollyo could prove very useful for some people. For me... well, not so much (today, at least). I did create a custom search, and put in a few keywords: "Square foot gardening" and "gardens," but I suppose I made the mistake of including the behemoth as one of my searchable sites. Wow -- page after page of results from Amazon. Not so helpful...
However, as with many explorations into new territory, a happy accident occurred. During my search for information on "square foot gardening," I came across an online gallery of images featuring Lego constructions of works of the late artist M.C. Escher. As both a fan of Escher and Legos, I was delighted. It's worth parusing. ("Relativity" is shown above. Original by Escher on the right. Lego version by Lipson on the left.)
Speaking of Legos, if you enjoy gaming, you might want to check out Lego Star Wars. It's pretty addicting.
Lego Escher
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